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Sadhana shop for evil/enemy

  • Sadhana on Lunar Eclipse for riddance from enemies
    In astrology moon is the signification of mind, emotions, imagination, luxuries, music, art, beauty, character, fame and laurels. To perform its Sadhana during a lunar eclipse can imply gaining much...
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  • Shiv pashupatastra sadhana
    Pashupatastra (Pashupat Astra) in Hindu mythology, is the uncontrollable and largely damaging personal...
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  • Sudarshan chakra sadhana
    From hundred and eight historic sciences, there are nonetheless some sciences about which widespread...
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  • Uchchishtha Ganesha Sadhana for riddance from evil effect
    If some base ritual has been used towards an individual or household, life turns into worse than hell. A person under such evil affect becomes a lot harassed and powerless regardless that he might be a millionaire...
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  • Vidveshan Sadhana Samagri
    This Siddha Vidveshan Sadhana Samagri energised by Bhairav mantra. If you have enemies and you want to divide them from each other or you can make them enemies...
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  • Kali Uchchatan sadhana to take away enemy
    This kali uchchatan sadhana often a actually easy Uchchatan sadhana in making your enemy run away and...
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  • Chandi sadhana for strong protection
    Devi Mahatmyam is often known as the Durga Saptashati or Chandi. Devi Mahatmyam incorporates seven...
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  • Batuk Bhairav sadhna
    The textual content Shakti Samagam Tantra shakti tells how Bheirav first manifested. In the precedent days...
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  • Bhima Uchchatan sadhana to take away enemy
    It's Bhima Uchchatan sadhana. Uchchatan means driving an individual away from ones life endlessly, either by uprooting him from his place of residence or from your mind. These mantras are used solely to guard oneself from enemies..
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  • Sabar sadhna to eliminate Spirits
    This can be described as Shaabri sadhana to defeat and take away evil spirits, ghosts evil eye and all kinds of evil energies from ones surroundings and homes. This mantra is together with your old spiritual scrip..
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  • Rudra sadhana to get rid of evil spirits
    These are some more mantras to get rid of evil spirits, ghosts, evil eye and all types of evil energies, from somebody’s body or from a particular place or dwelling place. These rudra sadhana have been given by Divyayogashop..
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  • Tripur sundari sadhana for enemy
    This Tripur sundari or Shodashi sadhana is one of the very strong and efficient Shakti sadhana of Maata Tripura Sundari to get rid of adversaries..
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  • Sinhani yakshini sadhana
    This is Sinhani Yakshini Sadhna. The Sinhani is known to be a Yakshini ; a female form of supernatural power, with all the attitude of a lioness. This sinhani yakshini Sadhna is
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  • Veerbhadra sadhna
    Virabhadra or Veerabhadra (Virabhadra) is a terrifying form of the Hindu god (bhagawan) Shiva. He was created by the anger of Shiva and ruined the Yagna (fire sacrifice) of Daksha..
    min. 1
  • Delivery across Russia
    We will deliver your order by courier throughout India & Abroad by reputed shipping company.
  • Payment online
    Pay for your order by credit card, Debit card, UPI, PayTM, GPay. 
  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com