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Sadhana shop for task

Sadhana store for task

sadhana for success

Divyayoga shop provide many kind of sadhana for success in task, work like ganesha sadhana, hanuman sadhana, karya siddhi sadhana, manokamana purti sadhana, panchamukhi ganesha sadhana, panchamukhi hanuman sadhana.

  • Ganesha sadhana for obstacles
    This Ganesh sadhana is one with the most Liked sadhana by Bhagawan Ganpati. Lord Ganesh is...
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  • Ganesha sadhana to find better job
    It is a particular Ganesh sadhana to discover a new and better paying job. This is easy sadhana to find better job...
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  • Ganesha Sadhana- Do not Give Up Hope
    There are objectives, to attain which one places at stake all the pieces one has. Yet in spite of one of the best efforts one fails to make it. After which despair and frustation set in leaving one a physical and psychological wreck...
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  • Ganesha siddhi sadhana
    “Ganesha mantras are siddhi mantras . This sadhana mantra contains certain specific powers of Lord Ganesha. When chanted with the proper pranayama (rhythmic breathing) and sincere devotion..
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  • Ganpati mantra sadhana for wealth
    Bhagwan Ganesha is hindu elephant god, Patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of...
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  • Heramb Ganesha Sadhana for success
    n Tantrik sadhnas and Tantra Procedures associated to Lord Shri Ganpati, there are current many forms of essential procedures associated to his numerous forms...
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  • Jwalamalini Sadhana for Banish enmities and issues
    Maata Jwalamalini is none however the divine vitality of Lord Shiva. So powerful is Her kind that even the gods fear Her and nice Yogis crave to carry out Her Sadhana with a purpose to banish all obstacles within the path of spiritual development...
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  • Karalini Yogini Sadhna for all wishes
    The Karalini Yogini talked about and invoked by means of this mantra is usually a female mystic being...
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  • Maha Ganapati Sadhana for success in task
    Who wouldn't love, adore, revere and worship such a diety, for He takes away all of our troubles, issues, pains, afflictions and even poverty in life...
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  • Mahakali Sadhana for fulfill desires
    This Manokamna Purti sadhana can be tried night after 10pm. Have a bath and get into yellow clothes. Sit on a yellow...
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  • Parad ganesha sadhana for attraction
    This Parad Ganesha Saadhna is taken into account as very auspious and highly effective for attraction...
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  • Parad Ganesha Sadhana for success in task
    Mercury (Parad) is a divine products and in line with the ancient textual content Ras Ratna Samuchchya if mercury is Samskarised then through it any wish might be fulfilled...
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  • Parad sadhana for success in task
    You will find no distinction between Lord Shiva and Tantra. Each of the sixty four tantras have been originated...
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  • Siddheshwari Sadhana for gaining capability
    Accomplishing which one can gain the capability of efficiently undertaking the Sadhana of ten Mahavidyas and making one’s life complete and successful....
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  • Solar Eclipse Sadhana for  wish Fulfilment
    Man has a particular relation with sun. A Solar eclipse is not only a natural phenomenon rather it represents a very highly effective period for fulfilment in Sadhana. ...
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  • Sun and Saturn Sadhana for obstacles
    An individual might or may not bear in mind the beneficial planets but he positive bows before the malefic ones....
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  • Sun Sadhana for fame, health and Happiness
    The Sadhana of Sun is specially good for curing problems associated to the eyes. It's by means of the sun that one is in direct contact with nature..
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  • Yatra raksha sadhana
    For this ,there is a vital sadhana And if one does this Yatra raksha sadhana then it goes to go to a person or if he does this sadhana before traveling, ..
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  • Delivery across Russia
    We will deliver your order by courier throughout India & Abroad by reputed shipping company.
  • Payment online
    Pay for your order by credit card, Debit card, UPI, PayTM, GPay. 
  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com