28-29 DEC. 2024- KAMAKHYA SADHANA SHIVIR FOR PROTECTION, WEALTH & PROSPERITY AT VAJRESHWARI. CALL- 7710812329. Guruji Video Call Consulting fees 5100 (30 Minutes)

  • TIME: 11AM TO 8PM
  • divyayoga.shop@yahoo.com
  • 91 7710812329
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1 to 14 Rudraksha (Java)

  • One mukhi java rudraksha
    The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the image of OMKAR i.e. which is formless, depthless, shadow much less, Godhood, Supreme Reality and Attainment of Eternity who has created this complete world. ..
  • Two mukhi java rudraksha
    Two Mukhi Rudraksha is the image of Moon and Sun. The one that wears this Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( technique of purification & charging with Mantra) will always accompanied by two Deva i.e. Surya Deva and Chandra Deva...
  • Three mukhi java rudraksha
    Three Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Three Deva i.e. (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha). The one that wears this Rudraksha after correct Sidhhi ( methodology of purification & charging with Mantra) will always get the blessings of three powers and accompanied by three Deva...
  • Four mukhi java rudraksha
    Four Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of four Veda. The person who wears this Rudraksha after correct Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) will get the knowledge of 4 Vedas...
  • Five mukhi java rudraksha
    Five Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of Five Pandava. The one who wears this Five Mukhi Rudraksha after proper Sidhhi ( technique of purification & charging with Mantra) will extraordinary in all field i.e. Intelligence, energy, business, money, devotion to shiva, beauty, odor, touch, words, devotion to parents wife sons, truthful, love etc...
  • Six mukhi java rudraksha
    This Six Mukhi Rudraksha is related to Six Darshan. The person who wears this Six Mukhi Rudraksha after correct Sidhhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra) could have Darshan of six Deva in his Body. ..
  • Seven mukhi java rudraksha
    This Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is expounded to Seven Seas The person who wears this Seven Mukhi Rudraksha after correct Sidhhi ( technique of purification & charging with Mantra) will remain contented like the seven seas...
  • Eight mukhi java rudraksha
    The wearer of this Eight Mukhi Rudraksha get success in all of the ventures. If this Rudraksha is used with two mercury balls; it will increase the wit and open the new opportunities for the wealth and money....
  • Nine mukhi java rudraksha
    This Nine Mukhi Rudraksha belongs to nine powers and also nine Naag ( snake, Cobra) resides in it. It cures snake bite, for this remedy the 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is dipped within the water crammed within the copper vessel. ...
  • Ten mukhi java rudraksha
    This Ten Mukhi Rudraksha provides good nature, wealth, prosperity to the wearer. Ten Mukhi Rudraksha as per the varied Puranas : Lord Vishnu, main god of Hinduism and Indian mythology, popularly considered the preserver of the universe...
  • Eleven mukhi java rudraksha
    The wearer of this Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha have the blessing of Hanumaan ji. This Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha destroys thousands of enemies and protects the wearer from all tantric effects...
  • Twelve mukhi java rudraksha
    The wearer of this Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha will get the quality of Surya to move continuously with sensible radiance and strength. This Rudraksha offers information and riches and all the earthly pleasures and is discovered miraculously effective...
  • Thirteen mukhi java rudraksha
    This Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha removes all form of Diseases from the Physique of the wearer of this Rudraksha. Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha possess the ability of 13 Sant ( Saints). ..
  • Fourteen mukhi java rudraksha
    The wearer of this Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha get success in all of his works. Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha make the wearer sharp and intelligent. It removes all of the sins and the wearer get the Moksha (liberation) in the end...
  • Ganesha java Rudraksha
    Ganesha Rudraksha is a form of Rudraksha which bears Trunk like elevation as is seen on the face of Lord Ganesh. It is referred to as Ganesh Rudraksha. ..
  • Gauri-shankar java rudraksha
    Two Rudraksha bead joined naturally is named the Gauri-Shankar Rudraksha. Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is the symbolic of Bhagwan Shankar and Mother Adi Shaktithat is Parvati. ..
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  • Store in Mumbai- Bharat
    Call: divyayogashop@gmail.com